Gain 3 haste for each (Star) Magic item.ġ0 armor gain transfer 2 debuffs from yourself to your opponent. If you have 5 or more mana you gain 15% damage resistance.Ģ0 Mana used: Deal 20 + 2 damage per amount of mana you currently have to the enemy directly.
Whenever you are attacked you gain 1 mana. I picture it being a tiny goobert with a wizards hat.Įvery 5 activations deal 5 damage + 2 Damage per amount of mana you have. 4 (Star) activations: (Diamond) Magic type weapons gain +3 damage. Has 4 stars, and 2 diamonds.Įvery time (Star) item Activates you have a 66% chance to gain 1 mana. At the end of the day my hope is to keep discussion going for a game I am enjoying and maybe one of the devs sees something they like and steals it.Ģ by 2 gloves.
I feel a magic build feels pretty weak outside of 1 or 2 items. My goal this time was to add a few more magic related items. There are so many knobs that can be used in a game like this to balance items and the game designer is best suited for that not a crazy theorycrafter like myself. The numbers are just a rough guess of where they should be. So I said this last time and people don't read so well.